China: Trade (USD, YoY) - Total Exports Value



China's Total Value of Exports (USD, YoY) is calculated and published by the General Administration of Customs (GAC). This indicator measures the change in the total value of goods exported by China over a specific period and is crucial for understanding China's trade status and its connection to the global economy. A higher year-on-year growth rate indicates strong export growth and economic activity, while a lower rate suggests a slowdown.

This data is typically released mid-month, providing export changes for the previous month.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics of China (Choice)
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China's Total Value of Exports (USD, YoY) is calculated and published by the General Administration of Customs (GAC). This indicator measures the change in the total value of goods exported by China over a specific period and is crucial for understanding China's trade status and its connection to the global economy. A higher year-on-year growth rate indicates strong export growth and economic activity, while a lower rate suggests a slowdown.

This data is typically released mid-month, providing export changes for the previous month.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics of China (Choice)
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