China: Industrial Enterprises (YTD Cumulative, YoY) - Total Profits



China's Industrial Enterprises Total Profit is calculated and released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This indicator measures the total profit changes of large-scale industrial enterprises nationwide over a specific period, reflecting the profitability and economic health of the industrial sector. A higher year-to-date cumulative profit growth rate (YTD Cumulative, YoY) indicates stronger profitability and a healthy economy; conversely, a lower rate indicates declining profitability and slower economic growth.

This data is typically released monthly, providing cumulative profit changes for the year.

Note: Large-scale industrial enterprises are those with annual revenues exceeding 20 million yuan.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics (Choice)
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China's Industrial Enterprises Total Profit is calculated and released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This indicator measures the total profit changes of large-scale industrial enterprises nationwide over a specific period, reflecting the profitability and economic health of the industrial sector. A higher year-to-date cumulative profit growth rate (YTD Cumulative, YoY) indicates stronger profitability and a healthy economy; conversely, a lower rate indicates declining profitability and slower economic growth.

This data is typically released monthly, providing cumulative profit changes for the year.

Note: Large-scale industrial enterprises are those with annual revenues exceeding 20 million yuan.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics (Choice)
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