China: Non-Manufacturing PMI (NMI) - Official




China's Non-Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index Index (NMI) is compiled and published by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This index measures the overall performance and health of the non-manufacturing sector (such as services) in China through monthly surveys of purchasing managers from approximately 4,300 non-manufacturing enterprises. An NMI reading above 50 indicates expansion, while below 50 indicates contraction.

The non-manufacturing PMI system includes 10 sub-indices: business activity, new orders, new export orders, backlogs of orders, inventories, input prices, sales prices, employment, supplier delivery times, and business expectations. Since there is no composite index for non-manufacturing, the business activity index is generally used to reflect overall changes in the non-manufacturing economy.

This data is typically released on the last working day of each month, providing information on non-manufacturing activities for that month.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics of China (Choice)
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China NMI

China's Non-Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index Index (NMI) is compiled and published by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This index measures the overall performance and health of the non-manufacturing sector (such as services) in China through monthly surveys of purchasing managers from approximately 4,300 non-manufacturing enterprises. An NMI reading above 50 indicates expansion, while below 50 indicates contraction.

The non-manufacturing PMI system includes 10 sub-indices: business activity, new orders, new export orders, backlogs of orders, inventories, input prices, sales prices, employment, supplier delivery times, and business expectations. Since there is no composite index for non-manufacturing, the business activity index is generally used to reflect overall changes in the non-manufacturing economy.

This data is typically released on the last working day of each month, providing information on non-manufacturing activities for that month.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics of China (Choice)
Next Update
China NMI