China: Gross Savings



China: Gross Savings are compiled and published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS of China). This figure represents the total amount of savings in the economy, including savings from households, businesses, and the government. This indicator is used to measure the country's savings rate and is crucial for understanding the potential for future investment and development. A higher savings rate indicates more resources available for investment, while a lower savings rate may signal potential issues regarding future economic stability.

Total savings are calculated by subtracting total consumption and transfer payments from national income. It includes savings from households, businesses, and the government, and is typically expressed as a percentage of GDP.

This data is updated annually, usually released within a few months after the end of the calendar year.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics of China (Choice)
Next Update

China: Gross Savings are compiled and published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS of China). This figure represents the total amount of savings in the economy, including savings from households, businesses, and the government. This indicator is used to measure the country's savings rate and is crucial for understanding the potential for future investment and development. A higher savings rate indicates more resources available for investment, while a lower savings rate may signal potential issues regarding future economic stability.

Total savings are calculated by subtracting total consumption and transfer payments from national income. It includes savings from households, businesses, and the government, and is typically expressed as a percentage of GDP.

This data is updated annually, usually released within a few months after the end of the calendar year.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics of China (Choice)
Next Update