China: Average Wage of Employed Persons - All Units



China Average Wage of Employed Persons is compiled and published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS). This indicator measures the average salary level of employees in various industries in China. It is often used to assess the overall income level and living standards of the workforce, as well as to measure economic health and spending power. Higher average wages generally indicate good economic conditions and increased spending power, while lower wages may indicate economic challenges.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics of China (Choice)
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China Average Wage of Employed Persons is compiled and published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS). This indicator measures the average salary level of employees in various industries in China. It is often used to assess the overall income level and living standards of the workforce, as well as to measure economic health and spending power. Higher average wages generally indicate good economic conditions and increased spending power, while lower wages may indicate economic challenges.

Published by
National Bureau of Statistics of China (Choice)
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